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Field House Expansion - Completed Summer 2021
The field house is not an indoor playing area. It was built to fill a need for appropriate team dressing rooms and contains two dressing rooms for team sports such as football, soccer, rugby, and two public bathroom stalls for spectators.
Field house expansion has included:
- Additional public washrooms (12 men's and 12 women's stalls), 4 barrier free washrooms, and designating two washrooms as inclusive.
- Additional seating/bleachers to increase the parks seating capacity from 1500 to 2500 spectators. The Lacombe Athletic Park Association offered the park to the community for the Canada 150 Celebration and will continue to invite local performing arts and cultural groups to host concerts, festivals, and community events at the park such as Lacombe Days, Culture and Harvest Festival, Light up the Night, and Canada Day celebrations. In alignment with the City of Lacombe's Recreation & Culture Master Plan which identified a need for outdoor festival venues, the additional public washrooms and bleachers improve the park's ability to accommodate large outdoor festivals.
- The addition of two full size dressing rooms to accommodate multiple bookings on the same day and to accommodate teams with members of different genders.
- Indoor viewing/meeting area - there is currently a second floor tower for coaches, timekeepers, and commentators. It is accessible only by stairs. The renovations include installing a lift to allow access for persons with mobility issues and an indoor observation balcony for viewing games in inclement weather. The intent is to make every feature of the park accessible for all to enjoy. In alignment with the City of Lacombe's Recreation & Culture Master Plan which identified a need for more indoor meeting room space, the observation area and the new dressing rooms will be designed as multi-purpose rooms and will be offered to the community as free Community Meeting rooms that can be booked by local organizations.
- A second wheelchair ramp will be installed to allow access to the barrier free washrooms and the lift from opposite sides of the field house.

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